Kotebe College of Teacher Education
1959 - 2007

Official website

About KCTE

Registrar Office
Academic Staff

The Library, Documentation and Computer Center

The Library, Documentation and Computer Center plays a significant role in the teaching, learning and research activities. The construction of a new library which can accommodate up to 500 users at a time has been completed with an outlay of over 4 million birr. This made the two libraries to have a capacity of accommodating  one thousand users at time.

New Library

The present library has a collection of nearly 45,000 catalogued books on different subjects and a good number of documents and serials. The library is kept open for 14 hours on all days, except on national holidays. The library provides: reading, loan, reference and internet services to the students and the whole college community.

Computer Center

The College computer center, housed on the first floor of the old building, is equipped with about 30 computers which are now networked. The Center gives training to staff members on various programmes from time to time. Internet services as well as typing, printing and photocopying services are provided by the Center.

New Library


© 2007 KCTE